Yesterday, Sunday 1/19, our Fr. Bernardo Bonowitz passed away after a long illness. Originally a monk of St Joseph Abbey in Spencer MA, he served for 24 years as superior of Genesee's daughterhouse, Novo Mundo, in Brazil, before coming to Genesee in 2019 for health reasons. A ceremony for the reception of his body will take place Friday 1/24 at 5:00 p.m. and the funeral Saturday 1/25 at 9:30 a.m.
This morning, Br. Luke (Bruno) Perillo, began his novitiate after a one year postulancy. Originally from Chicago, Br. Luke studied painting for four years at The School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. He worked for some years as a professional artist (mostly portrait and landscape) before coming to Genesee. At a small reception this afternoon in the novitiate some of his paintings were on display for the brothers to view.
This morning our Br. Mark Soroko entered the novitiate. Originally from New Hampshire, Br. Mark, 47, earned a bachelor of science degree and later an M. Div. He's also studied auto-mechanics, a combination of skills well-suited to a life of reading and manual labor. His quiet, friendly presence continues to be a welcome blessing to our community.
Abba Poemen said to Abba Joseph, “ Tell me how to become a monk.” He said, “If you want to find rest here below, and hereafter, in all circumstances say, ‘Who am I?’ and do not judge anyone.”